The Board
The Executive Board
For the current year are:
Chairperson and Insurance:
Simon Greig
Vice-Chairperson, Database and Website Development
Amanda Cowlrick
Sarah Deeks
Amiee Mortimer
Membership Secretary:
Annette Hobby
Reiki News:
Brian Findsen
Professional Development
Nicola Lincoln
Angelika Klotz
Regional Reps Co-ordinator and Minutes Secretary:
Cath Lupton
Social Media and Products Manager:
Carina Hodzelmans
Board Member:
Natasha Jennings
Non-Board/ Co-opted members:
Northland Representative:
Lori Satterthwaite
Auckland – North Shore Representative:
Auckland – West Representative:
Mary Caffin
Auckland – East Representative:
Paula Guy
Auckland – South Representative:
Helen Lees
Coromandel Representative:
Bay of Plenty Representative:
Waikato Representative:
Caterina Findsen
Taupo Representative:
Karen Owen (acting)
Taranaki Representative:
Vicky Chesswas
Hawke’s Bay Representative:
Jo Keats
Manawatu Representative:
Gina Eparaima
Wellington Representative:
Dianne Doyle
Nelson Representative:
Shireen Drew
West Coast Representative
Claire Insley
Otago Representative:
Mia Watkins
Editors Reiki News:
Caterina and Brian Findsen
Sub-Editor Reiki News:
Lori Satterthwaite
Rachael Mooney
Volunteers Wanted
Assisting in a Non-Board role is immensely rewarding. It is a way to use your Reiki knowledge and skills to support our Reiki community and encourage new members. We are always looking for people with good administration, database and IT abilities as well as helpers in areas not covered by our Area Representatives such as Auckland North Shore, Coromandel and Bay of Plenty which are currently vacant. Working with a national organisation is an honour that takes you beyond teaching and practising Reiki to sharing it with our members and the general public across the whole of Aotearoa New Zealand.
If you are interested in helping out on the Board for Reiki NZ Inc. as a Non-Board Member or helping with future events such as our next Conference in 2026, please contact the Secretary at:
Thank you.