Learn Reiki with Frank Arjava Petter

All Day

Vaughan Park, 1043 Beach Road, Torbay, Auckland 0630 Auckland

Learn Reiki Levels 1 and 2 with Frank Arjava Petter from the original, authentic Japanese teachings.

A five day course to learn Reiki Shoden and Okuden with international teacher Frank Arjava Petter from the original, authentic Japanese teachings. Arjava offers warm guidance, generosity, empathy and decades of Reiki experience. You will connect to Reiki in a way that is authentically deep and beautifully simple.

You will receive five attunements, learn the Reiki techniques and symbols and have lots of hands-on practice. You will experience the healing energy of Reiki for yourself and walk away feeling confident to share Reiki with others.

The workshop language is English. Manuals in English are provided. As are beautiful Certificates.

Numbers are limited - bookings are essential.

To book and for further information please contact Yolanda on www.reikihealth.co.nz or email her on yolanda@reikihealth.co.nz